The birth of a space dedicated to resting.


With an unusual design process, the project is explored from the smallest details to bigger elements and spaces. The capsule is the first piece designed,  which has the ability to transform and adapt. The capsule has rest and its many variants as the focus, dealing with ergonomics while taking advantage of the limited space as furniture that merges into a single element. This was a solid base for creating the fragments of a home, flexible spaces with singular purposes that can be stacked and combined.

Capsule Prototype Visualization.

The stages for the morphogenesis of this capsule are:

1.  Transformation: Transforms to necessity: sliding element.

2.  Adaptation: It adapts to the user and their style and rhythm of life: although rest is a common need, not everyone has it in the same way. 

3.  Appropiation: The user makes the space his own, as it is of great spatial flexibility with the ability to grow in size and have or not have access to levels.

Stage I: The Capsule

Exploded Axonometric of all functions in the capsule.

Section and Elements.

Atmosphere and sensations inside the Capsule at different times of the day.

The project proposes a reinvention of a need so basic but so little attended, rest. The rest positions and comfort they represent for different activities included within the rest spectrum are explored from the anthropological and ergonomic points of view, and are integrated into the capsule as part of its same shape and arrangement, achieving the goal of rest, anywhere in it. 

This makes the capsule a flexible and timeless place, which, depending on the needs of the user, offers a variety of resting points. Taking into account what I really need to rest in the day, the measurements, the angles, and the position of the furniture, made me rethink my priorities, often neglected, and inspired me to create a place where my rest is not get interfered with by worrying about constantly getting it.

Rest should not only be physical, but also mental. Thus, more than a place, I have decided to call it a refuge, because that is what a person should feel when they want to take a break: welcome, sheltered, and with the tranquility of being in a space where they can close their eyes, lower their guard, and just rest.

Stage II: Capsule to Fragments

Stage III: Fragments to Apartments
Horizontal Approach - One Level
Vertical Approach - Two Levels