Winning proposal of the 1st Inter-University Contest organized by the Ministry of Education of Peru and the National Educational Infrastructure Program (PRONIED).
The project team was conformed by a group of students of the University of Lima, which I was part of. The project was featured as a month-long exhibition at the University of Lima Cultural Center. For this contest, each university team was assigned a public school within Lima metropolitan area. The schools, while in different areas of the city, shared in common the precarious state in which most of the public school system infrastructure is found in Lima (and unfortunately, the rest of Peru). The project, as the winning proposal, did not only represent a win on paper, but was also awarded by the National Educational Infrastructure Program the budget for construction of the project to the school.
Our team, representing our alma mater University of Lima, was assigned the Micaela Bastidas School, located in the district of Ate, Lima. The school faced serious decay in multiple areas, which a special concern for the state of the recreational spaces, such as the main courtyard and adyacent infrastructures. The proposal of Imaginaccion Colectiva, which translates roughly to Collective Imaginaction, is inspired in the ideas and desires of the children at the school, as this is more than just an imposing design, but a collective effort between all participating parts, with the children at the foremost of the decision-making process.
Project Walk-through Video.
Link to Project Book.
Exhibition at the University of Lima Cultural Center.
Project Team!
University of Lima President Óscar Quezada Macchiavello.
Quote from Jefferson, a 9 year old student at Micaela Bastidas Elementary School: “I’d like to see balloons in the sky, because I like to see that the air around me is not empty. That it has something in it, because if it is empty, there is no happiness.”
Micaela Bastidas Elementary School staff: Principal (center), teachers, and aides.
President of University of Lima presenting Micaela Bastidas Elementary School’s Principal with the project’s documents and drawings package.
University of Lima President Óscar Quezada Macchiavello at the opening of Imaginaccion Colectiva’s exhibit at Cultural Center.
Bigger Team! Project team, Micaela Bastidas Elementary’ staff, school students, school parents, and supporting University of Lima professors.
Press Note on Exhibition at the University of Lima Cultural Center.