Revitalization of an abandoned industrial axis in Lima’s urban grid.
The abandoned plot of land with industrial zoning, located in Argentina Ave., was chosen due to its core position within the city of Lima. This centrality also lies in the connection it provides between two historic centers: La Punta, in Callao and Centro de Lima. The industry that currently sits along this avenue has large storage lots, and its strategic position made it one of the first industrial hubs to develop. However, its connection with Callao may currently present greater opportunities: a site enabled for citizens and tourists.
The existing urban grain featured large blocks, discontinuous streets, and even single-lot blocks allowed with blind walls. Existing roads, with the exception of Argentina Ave., had a small section, less than 20 m, representing 21% of the gross area, while the built, in this case industry, occupied 79%.
On the other hand, the proposed grain is modulated around blocks classified into 2 types: A, B C, the largest being 3.2 He. It seeks uniformity and control over the dimensions of the blocks, the continuity of the roads, achieving an area of roads that represents 35% of the gross area, while the built, 65%.
Street Sections.
Proposal - Street Grid.
The road network is presented as an ordering and zoning grid. This has a percentage destined to pedestrian traffic equivalent to that of vehicular traffic. The proposal is organized, in this way, in two phases: the first, which focuses on organizing and classifying the previously proposed routes, and the information on both the hierarchy and the level of activity that they allow is used; and the second, which uses the parameters that it establishes for the zoning of the built and free areas within the blocks.
Avenues - Dimensions and Visuals.